Sunday, 10 September 2017

Susan's Story

"I am Susan, I am 58 years old and I was a housewife before my stroke which happened in May 2016 it happened on a Saturday night when I was talking to my neighbors in my garden. It felt like an electric shock going down my left arm. At first, I thought I might be having a heart attack. I continued speak to my neighbors, I then turned to go back into my kitchen and couldn’t feel my legs, they gave way.
My neighbor climbed over the fence and carried me to my living room, by this time I could feel my face drooping on my left-hand side and my speech was completely gone. My son saw me and called for an ambulance, I was taken to resus and then to the stroke ward, where I remained for 4 months. A CT scan showed I had suffered a clot and a bleed.
In the beginning, I couldn’t talk eat or swallow or see out of my left side, I couldn’t even sit up by myself. I fought hard to get to where I am today and I have had to relearn everything. My life now has been forever changed. It has been hell at times, the worst nightmare you can imagine and I don’t know which has been the most challenging, the emotional or physical side of things. I do know that I have shed many tears throughout the past year.
I came across Different Strokes by searching on the internet for stroke support groups. The online group has been the only source of help and support I have, it has been a lifeline to me. My aims for the future is to be as independent as possible and to walk unaided."

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