Friday, 2 September 2016

Sabine Oppenlander - Carer

He survived his stroke, Gary, my partner. Theoretically he should have died. So they keep telling him. They made mistakes along the way, he already had two TIAs and they didn't care for him properly, just discharged him from hospital, so when he had the massive stroke they just shrugged their shoulders. They said he would never be able to walk again or use his arm and hand, yet here he is, walking, albeit with a stick and only 10 steps at a time before he collapses and has to sit down. Unfortunately the epilepsy got the better of him after a year and he declined but he managed to pick himself up again. Then the depression came - side effect of the epilepsy drugs. That is counteracted with Fluoxetine. They want to put him back on Gabapentin but the paracetamol tabs and ibuprofen gel is doing the trick for now. That and CBD oil. So now I want to take him back home, my home that is. Because my family offers us all the support and care we don't get from his. And I bet he will recover even more and at least be able to walk without a stick. In 5 years time. Maybe.

Different Strokes helped us by just being there. Having a group where one can vent one's sadness but also tell about one's happiness is a great help and although Gary isn't "using" your group as such, I tell him what is said and what great advice and support we receive from you and the members. Which makes him more confident and lets him know that he is not alone, that there are people who are in the same situation and who care. 

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