Saturday, 28 May 2016

Stephen May

On the 6th March 2013, my life changed. 

This is the day of my first stroke. I lost the use of my left hand side, my eyes had shifted to one side & after being projectile sick, my throat closed up so I was unable to swallow. I was 22 days off my 51st birthday. 

After getting to Norwich's a&e, I was thrombolysed & had loads of tests, to be put in Haydon ward. I was in loads of pain, very frightened and not understanding what was going on. It took 3 days before I could swallow again & another day before I was sat out of bed. I was unable to stand at that time. A poor man died in the corner bed, as I sat there unable to move anywhere. There was only 6 beds in the ward, so I was pretty close by. It made me feel very sad at that time, but, made me feel how lucky I was. 

After 10 days on a Friday I made my great escape, thanks to all the hospital staff & my wife, I left walking out with the help of a stick. 6 weeks of aftercare at home, it was then left to up to me. Worked my way to walking again & tried to go back to work some mornings, my pay was 2 months behind, as the company was struggling at this time. 

The September of 2013 I did not feel I could work, as I felt unwell. 22nd November 2013 I had my second stroke, a week after the company I worked for went into liquidation. This time my left side went again & my eyes went one sided but I could still swallow. 5 days in hospital, out again, back to square one. Lots of tests again, more pills no work, owed 3 to 4 months pay but this time went onto sick benefit. I did get a payout thanks to our Government, but I had paid in for 34 years. 

The stroke was in the same part of my brain, but too deep in, for me to have an operation to put it right. With my boy tablets I am now on apixaban blood thinner. 

November 1st 2014 I started a new job part time as I suffer with fatigue & unable to do many hours befor I must rest. I still work to this day, between 12 & 16 hours per week, which works out well for me. The Coleman hospital in Norwich were a great help to me, getting me to where I am today. 

I could go on & on but I hope this may help someone else. 

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