On the 2nd January 2013. My husband left for an early day's work and left me resting in bed. I got up to use the bathroom (being 31 weeks pregnant, it wasn't unusual). At that point I felt the worst headache of my life and I knew something was very wrong.
Both of my elder children were at home and I called out to my son who was then 16 that he should call his stepfather urgently to get him home and his sister (14) to stay with Charlie (2) so he didn't hear and panic. As I deteriorated my son called the ambulance.
When my husband arrived at the hospital I was unresponsive having had a major brain bleed, a subarachnoid haemorrhage which is a type of stroke. He was told I may not survive.
I was 31 weeks pregnant and any surgery would be a major risk to the baby. So Emily was delivered by emergency c-section on the 3rd. A surgery that my husband was told it was unlikely to survive.
I survived the c-section and I was given the opportunity to meet Emily and say my 'goodbyes' to my husband, mother and older children. I then underwent 10 hour brain surgery to 'coil' and 'stent' the ruptured aneurysm which was the cause of the bleeding on the 4th January. On this occasion my husband was told I would need a miracle to survive.
That was actually the EASY bit. I survived the surgery and was left unable to see, speak, walk or swallow. I also had a major left side tremor.
I spent 13 weeks in hospital including a period in ICU. Over time I improved and with support from the neurological physio team once home, I slowly began to walk again. The hardest thing for me was being SO much younger than the other stroke patients in hospital. I found myself getting quite down.
Discovering Different Strokes through Facebook has reassured me that I'm not alone and it's much more common than I realised. The support that I've received from the group has helped so much in the 3 years since. And I'm feeling that I can now offer support to other people.