This is my Facebook post from Saturday 6th February, having suffered a stroke on Monday 1st February.........Last Monday I had a stroke. This is not a sentence I ever thought I'd write and this is something I never thought would happen to wrong I was and come to think of it, why not me?
For those of you who know me well, you'll know that I don't fall into the stroke victim criteria. I'm not overweight, I eat a vegetarian, low cholesterol diet, I exercise, I've never smoked in my life.....but it happened to me and it turns out that despite my best endeavours, I've got a high level of bad cholesterol, which, through no fault of my own, is probably hereditary.
I didn't really experience the FAST symptoms you hear and read about. My symptoms were more subtle and stupidly, on my part, I chose to ignore them for over 24 hours, as I thought I had a more pressing health issue to deal with. Turns out I was wrong on that count too, which is a relief, but if only I had known then what I know now.
My symptoms started with a millisecond of visual disturbance in my left eye, followed by my left arm dropping down like a ton weight. It didn't feel like my arm belonged to me and I had to pick it up with my right hand and shake it. In doing so, the heaviness stopped and I was able to hold my arms above my head and squeeze things tight...I had no weakness whatsoever. However, I did have numbness in my thumb, index and middle finger and this is something that stayed with me and eventually permeated across my left hand and up my arm. But I still chose to ignore it, due to my more pressing (in my mind) health concern.
After the relief that I wasn't dying of bowel cancer...yes that was my worry....I came home still suffering from numbness in my left hand and arm. I didn't think too much about it and I was thinking it was something like carpel tunnel syndrome. Anyway, I was so tired and decided to have an early night. Neil and Elisa had gone to yoga when I experienced the heavy feeling in my left arm again. I decided to call 111 for some advice and within 5 minutes I had a paramedic on my doorstep ready to take me to hospital.
I am so grateful I called 111 and for the overwhelming kindness, care and attention of every single person involved in my treatment. From Neil, the paramedic to the nurses and doctors in Southend Hospital A&E, to Aaron who did my emergency CT scan, to the nurses and every single member of staff on Benfleet Ward. To the amazing Dr Paul Guyler and his wonderful stroke team. He was called at home at 2am about me. He took the call...that is something beyond the call of duty in my mind. To the MRI team, the physios, the cleaners, the porters, (I've never been wheeled around so much in my life) the most kind, loving nurses ever, the admin staff, to my wonderful angel Anne and Raji. My list could go on and on. I'm so grateful to Southend NHS and the best Stroke team in the country. Thank you to my amazing family and friends who I love with all my heart - you know who you are....
My MRI showed a tiny white dot on the right side of my brain which relates directly to my left/arm/hand. As of yet, they can't find a cause as my heart is fine, my arteries are clear. Dr Guyler thinks it was caused by a tiny piece of cholesterol breaking off, travelling up to my brain and getting stuck, hence the stroke.
I've still got more tests and I'm taking part in international trials for people like me, with no known cause. I can't drive for 4 weeks, but I really need to rest, so it'll do me good.
I'm so lucky to have had such a small stroke. I've got a bit of numbness in my left thumb, that's about it. Even though my stroke was mild I was in a monitored bed the whole time I was in hospital. I was touched by the bravery of the stroke sufferers and the love and courage of their friends and family. Seeing a loved one so desperately ill and so changed takes so much strength. I could sense their desperation, but I could feel their love. The love in that ward from every single person involved with it was tangible and it's something that will stay with me forever.
I hope I never experience a stroke again and that you never do. That's my greatest wish....
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